Pay My Bill
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Pay Your Bill Online
For your convenience, Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital now has the capability to allow you to view and pay your bill online.
Business Office Director Inquiries - Contact Us to get in touch with our Business Office.
Financial Assistance Policy (FAP)
Our hospital maintains a written Financial Assistance Policy, which applies to all emergency and medically necessary care provided by our hospital to patients who are uninsured and who otherwise satisfy the eligibility criteria described in the FAP. If you currently do not have insurance coverage and require support with your hospital expenses, you have the opportunity to complete the provided application form. This application will allow you to apply for a discount to help alleviate your hospital bill.
Patient Financial Information
Under the Affordable Care Act, a hospital that is partially or wholly owned by a tax-exempt organization generally must follow certain requirements. These requirements, which are defined in Section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue Code, provide that the hospital must:
Conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA) every three years
Adopt an implementation strategy to meet the community health needs identified through the CHNA
Establish a written financial assistance policy (FAP) that includes eligibility criteria and the method for applying for financial assistance, among other provisions
Establish a written emergency medical care policy that requires the provision of care to individuals for emergency medical conditions regardless of their eligibility for financial assistance
Limit amounts charged for emergency or other medically necessary care provided to individuals eligible for financial assistance to not more than amounts generally billed (AGB) to insured patients
Refrain from engaging in extraordinary collection actions before making "reasonable efforts" to determine whether individuals are eligible for financial assistance
We provide on this page an overview of our hospital's efforts to follow the requirements of Section 501(r).
Emergency Care Policy
Our FAP and our Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) Policy state that we:
- Provide care for medical conditions without discrimination and regardless of FAP eligibility
- Disallow actions that discourage individuals from seeking medical care