Weight Loss
Call 606.451.4011Take the Next Step in Your Weight Loss Journey
If you've struggled with weight loss, our bariatric specialists can help. Whether you're interested in gastric bypass, gastric sleeve or our non-surgical options, we provide quality care focusing on helping you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. Being overweight can be harmful to your physical health - and it can also be detrimental to your overall quality of life. Our experienced team know exactly how to help, and are committed to your success.
The Surgical Weight Loss Program at Lake Cumberland offers continuous support to help each individual patient deal with the physical, emotional and social problems that may accompany the severely overweight person. Our program is implemented by a multidisciplinary medical team consisting of surgeons, anesthesiologists, psychologist, program coordinator, exercise specialists, dietitian, nursing staff and support staff. They work together to assess each patient's needs on an individual basis to help them achieve a healthier lifestyle.
Take a Weight Management Health Assessment
Am I Overweight?
When your weight is higher than what is considered to be healthy for your height, you are considered overweight or obese. The Body Mass Index (BMI) scale calculates and measures body fat based on your current weight and height.
Next Steps
Surgical Options
Gastric Sleeve (laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy): Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive type of procedure that permanently reduces the size of the stomach, thereby limiting food intake as well as the sensation of hunger. The smaller stomach size restricts the amount of food that can be eaten, so patients lose weight by eating fewer calories. This procedure also impacts the production of ghrelin.
Gastric Bypass (laparoscopic Roux-en Y): This is the most common type of bariatric surgery. During this type of precedure, part of the stomach is separated from the rest of the stomach and closed off with staples to create a smaller pouch, resulting in less calorie absorption. Patients also have a greater sense of satisfaction with less food. The surgery results in less production of ghrelin, a hormone that may be partly responsible for making you feel hungry.
Gastric Band Repairs or Removal: Our services do not currently include new gastric band surgeries, but we do repaire or remove previous lap band procedures.
We are a Surgical Quality Partner of the American College of Surgeons (ACS)
As an American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgical Quality Partner, we’re committed to the highest standards of surgical care. This designation reflects our proven record of adhering to the most rigorous standards in surgical quality—to minimize complications, improve outcomes, and save lives.
Our participation in ACS Quality Programs helps ensure that we continue providing our patients with the best care possible. When you see the ACS Surgical Quality Partner mark in our hospital, you can trust that we’re dedicated to quality and relentless self-improvement.
ACS Quality Programs
Building on more than a century of experience improving surgical care, ACS Quality Programs are a definitive measure of quality you can look for as you seek care. We’re proud to partner with the ACS and participate in the following programs:
Commission on Cancer Accreditation (CoC)
The CoC is dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for patients with cancer. The CoC promotes cancer prevention, treatment, survival, and education, and ensures high quality, comprehensive, coordinated cancer care. The CoC also integrates the latest advances in research and technology to help further improve the care cancer patients receive.
Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP)
MBSAQIP is a comprehensive, nationwide surgical quality program aimed at ensuring the safe and effective performance of metabolic and bariatric surgery. Surgical outcomes focus on weight loss and the treatment of obesity-related diseases, like diabetes, sleep apnea, and others. Research shows accredited centers experience lower complications, and better outcomes than that of non-accredited facilities.