Meet the Stroke Team
The Stroke Team at Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital, led by neurosurgeon Dr. Magdy El-Kalliny, has consistently earned the Joint Commission’s certification as a Advanced Certified Primary Stroke Center. This distinction recognizes that Lake Cumberland sets a higher standard of care for stroke patients and has demonstrated that it meets critical elements of performance to achieve long-term success in improving outcomes for stroke patients.
Patients at Lake Cumberland benefit from a range of comprehensive medical, surgical and minimally invasive treatment options, as well as skilled nursing care from a team with more than 250 years of combined experience.
Almost all patients who have suffered a stroke are cared for on the renovated neuro-ICU unit, where treatment is tailored to the specific needs of anyone with stroke and other neurologic and neurosurgical conditions.

Stroke Medical Director

Nurse Manager, Neuro-Surgical
Our Stroke Team has been recognized repeatedly with the American Heart Association & American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® - Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes our commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence.
The Norton Healthcare/UK HealthCare - Stroke Care Network has recognized Lake Cumberland with the Hero Award for its work in improving stroke care for its patients. This award is given to facilities who have demonstrated excellence in stroke care by achieving the fastest door-to-needle time across the network for administering life-saving drugs that can eliminate clots in the brain.